Louis Fratino: 'Growths of the earth' at Ciaccia Levi

Louis Fratino: Growths of the earth
Ciaccia Levi, Paris
May 29 – July 10, 2021


Ciaccia Levi, Paris is presents Louis Fratino’s third solo show at the gallery, Growths of the earth, on view May 29 through July 10, 2021. The exhibition presents ten new paintings in which the artist muses on moments of interstice and transition.

Fratino depicts liminal moments between day and night, with his human subjects drifting from wake to sleep as the light slowly fades; he dwells on the changes that occur as one season melts into another, as flowers wilt in their vases and yellow leaves collect on a forest floor. The title of the exhibition is taken from Whitman’s poem “Song at Sunset” in Leaves of Grass. Like the poet, Fratino takes pleasure in observing the shifts and transformations of nature, both its cycles and surprises, with the resulting images provoking at turns feelings of calm and of the sublime.

To learn more about Louis Fratino: Growths of the earth on view at Ciaccia Levi, click here.